As of May 2015, all Sarah Lawrence College Master’s theses are available digitally. They are made accessible in one of three ways:

1. “Thesis – Open Access” – If the document type in the metadata reads “Thesis – Open Access,” the thesis is available to download immediately via the Download button on the right. NOTE: If a thesis is embargoed for a specific length of time, the date after which the item will be available via open access is noted under the Download button on the right.

2. “Thesis – Campus Access Only” – If the document type in the metadata reads “Thesis – Campus Access Only,” the thesis is available only on the campus of Sarah Lawrence College via IP address or via the Off-Campus Download button if you are a current SLC faculty, staff, or student. You will need your MySLC login and password to access from off-campus.

3. “Thesis – Closed Access” – If the document type in the metadata reads “Thesis – Closed Access,” access to the thesis requires written permission from the author.

If you are not a member of the Sarah Lawrence College Community and you are interested in access to a “Campus Access Only” thesis, please contact the author (if the Contact Author button is available on the right) or request the item through Interlibrary Loan from your local librarian. For additional questions, please contact

Copyright for theses is held by the authors.


Theses/Dissertations from 2022


An Assessment of the Sexual and Mental Health Needs of Transition Age Foster Youth in New York City, Elizabeth Claessens