Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

First Advisor

Modesto Jimenez

Second Advisor

Caden Manson


This interview with Seres Jaime Magana, the author of the Tragic Corrido of Romeo and Lupe was conducted with several goals in mind. Such as to understand his artistic process during the time he was writing the play, the staging of the performances, and his personal relationship with the subject matter of the script. Through this written article, and interview I hope that readers can gain insight on how a Latinx artist who was born in Mexico managed to write and direct a play that was performed where the story takes place, on the borderland’s region known as the Rio Grande Valley. for Latinx theater makers, perhaps they will be inspired to takes some ideas from this interview and implement them into their own work. I have a personal relationship with Seres. He has been my director and I have seen first-hand his talent and skill as a writer from an actor's perspective. This was an opportunity for me to share a conversation with someone who I feel has a great amount of passion. Seres’s play is relevant to me, and it should also be relevant to non Latinx theater artist. I hope that anyone who does not identify as Latinx finds some enjoyment in my writing and conversation with Seres, and that it will inspire them to support Latinx theater in whatever way they can. If readers have no knowledge of the Rio Grande valley, they can take this information and apply it to their own communities by helping create change wherever it is needed.
