
Hard Times Require Furious Dancing: Movement as Language in Performance, Politics, and Everyday Life

Faculty Member

Peggy Gould



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Wanderscaping is a two part project completed over the 2021-2022 school year. The first portion, "Wanderscaping Our Home The Campus" meanders through the physical space of Sarah Lawrence College, as a landscape and an institution, while the second, "Stirring An Agitated Reflection" floats that knowledge in the psychic space of an interconnected host of guides, through books, conversations, and other media. As a whole this project is a process-oriented wrangling of freedom, connection, and their borders. It has culminated in practices of public participatory performance, photography, mapping, iconography, audio recording, and writing. Wanderscaping aims to share a space to dream in, so that we might wake up in our power.

Publication Date

Spring 2022

Document Type



Landscape, Campus, Encounter, Wander, Dreams, Darkness, Campus Policing, Surveillance, Power, Liberation, Performance, Mapping, Spatial, Confinement, Paths, Movement


Community-Based Research | Critical and Cultural Studies | Defense and Security Studies | Educational Sociology | Environmental Health | Human Ecology | Infrastructure | Leadership Studies | Organizational Communication | Other Plant Sciences | Place and Environment | Politics and Social Change | Social and Cultural Anthropology | Social Control, Law, Crime, and Deviance | Social Justice

Open Access


Wanderscaping: Stirring Agitated Reflections into Our Home The Campus
