Theses from 2023
Embracing Unity: Reconnecting with the Self in Contemporary Culture through Dance/Movement Therapy Values, Dilara Akpinar
The Hero's Journey in Dance/Movement Therapy: Answering the Call by Entering Experiences Through the Doorway of Awe, Rachel Alford
Contextualizing Feminism Within Igbo History And An Analysis Of The Works Of Ngozi Anyanwu, Chisom Awachie
"You don't climb a pepper tree, you go around it", Chisom Awachie
Chronically Ill Children and Child Life Specialists: An Investigation Into How Play Acts as a Form of Healing, Kortni Baughman
The Treasure of El Ciervo, Jonathan Beer
The Poetry of Stars, Alejandra Bello Thomas
Implementation of a Patient Decision Aid to Facilitate the Selection of a Pre-Test Genetic Counseling Model, Taylor Berry, Valerie Schimmenti, and Magan Trottier
The Movie Musical and Jazz Dance: Reflections on Nostalgia in 21st Century America, Alexandra Bilodeau
Follow My Lead: Partner Dancing as an Intervention for Couples Therapy, Ashmita Biswas
Pratfalls for Nobody, Hrannar Björnsson
The Dead Mom Gang: Essays on Grief, Love, and Girlhood, Alexandra Borden
“Nope. Don’t Like That.” In Search Of Justice And Commitment To Nonmaleficence In Dance/Movement Therapy, Johnee Border
Honoring the Spirit: A Model for Observing, Witnessing, and Celebrating Spirituality and Religion in Dance/Movement Therapy, Rebekah Brown
Ride The Cyclone, The Musical: A Modern Morality Play, Bryelle Burgus
The Perfect Cabaret, Bryelle Burgus
The Nameless, William Cagle
The Tree, Anna Cain
Psychiatrists' Percepitions of and Reactions to a Simulated Psychiatric Genetic Counseling Session, Katharine Cardiff
Crossing Histories: Dance, Body, and Culture, Jingxian Chen
Restraint, Gemma Clarke
Anxiety and Other Mythologies, Zachariah Claypole White
Expanding the Meaning of Art as a Meta-Discipline in the Classroom, Kate Colabella
Eddy Line, Kevin Cole
cybirb, Marisa Conroy
Trans Cyborg Theatre: Digital Technology & Media in Performance, Marisa Conroy
Breed, Jessica D'Ambrosio
“People Don't Even Know to Test for It”: Fragile X Community Views on Fragile X Testing, Guidelines, and Impacts, Mugdha Devalkar and Maysen Bratbo
It Doesn't Get Hot in the Bay, Melissa Dittrich
The Conscious Dancer: A Brief Discussion on Political Powers of Dance Makers, Bailyn Dupont
Drybloom, Holly Dyer
Current Practice Behavior Surrounding Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Samantha Estin and Katherine Stephens
Childhood Living, Colleen Flaherty
Consider the Yearning, Jeanne-Marie Fleming
Analyzing the Physician Experience of Incorporating Population Genomic Screening Results in the Continuity of Care for Patients, Annie C. Foley and Paige Z. Springmann
A Somatic Intercession Through Somatic Integration, Sarae Garcia
Haha, anyways..., Makayla Gay
Play Therapy with Neuro-Diverse Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Multiple-Case Study, Caroline Gillespie
In A Language I Do Not Speak, Anni Glissman
From the Eyes of a Wolf: Speculative Theater, Puppetry, and Adoption in Hansol Jung's Wolf Play, Annaporva Green
i’m the monster, it’s me *cries in shark*, Annaporva Green
Trans Cannibalism, Red Guhde
Trans Cannibalism, RED Guhde
Heiress to Green, Madisen Gummer
Evaluation of Targeted On-Demand Genetic Counseling Model for Familial Variant Cascade Testing, Elizabeth Hain and Jonathan Ploeger
Climate Theatre: Mobilizing Audiences Towards Activism, Megan Hamm
Polluted on the Body, Megan Hamm
Reflections on Space - Exploring Intercultural Creation in Space, Mingjun Han
A Survey of The Staged Cyborg, Zee Hanna
[PER ARDUA], Zee Hanna
The Window, Lee Hittner-Cunningham
The Lived Dynamism of Dance: Phenomenological and Existential Inquiry, Allysen Hooks
Undefeated, Aliya Hunter
Lest We Forget, Deaundra Jackson
Lest We Forget, Deaundra Jackson
Flesh Fog, Jillian Jetton
Flesh Fog, Jillian Jetton
Iterative Performance: Resistance and Opportunity in the Rhythm of Returns, Jillian Jetton
Quiet Life, Small Harvest, Anya Johnson
Ghosts & Dreams, Jamie Jordan
Destabilize (Achtung) Baby: performance text, phenomenon, and writing as a condition for radicalizing an historically bourgeois artform, Jeremy Kadetsky
A Good Girl, Dara Kapoor
AMA, Kenneth Theodore Keng
The Global Majority Performing Memory, Kenneth Theodore KENG
Children's Agency Through the Lens of a Love Ethic: The Radical Imaginary, Zoe Kim
Justice and the Limitations of Revenge in Othello, Laurie King
Three Puppets Walk into a Bar, Laurie King
Sheer: A Novel, Vanessa Lawrence
To Be Whole, Allison Lax
Embracing the Whore: Destigmatizing Sex and Dance, Moss Lovejoy
Embodied Escapism: Liberation Within Incarceration, Grace Jane Luttrull
Coming Home: Grief Through The Lens of Dance/Movement Therapy, Lauren Marcus
The Stone Fruit Tree, kristine marx
I Can See My House From Here, Francisca Matos
Anatomy of the World, Celia Meade
Early Childhood Care: A Comparative Analysis of Preferred Practices, Shaija A. Mills
Said Another Way, Tangela Mitchell
“Where's Daddy? Where's Daddy?”: Exploring the Experience of a Male Social Worker of Color in Dyadic Play Therapy with Mothers and Young Children, Alfonso Navarrete-Mojica
Bester Wrook, Nora Obeid
Word Problems, Philip Ording
Body Language, Sophia Ortega
Reframing Education and the Classroom as a Safe Space, Lily Padilla
Yalda's Yield, Arielle Pahlavan
Ceaseless and Counterfeit, R M. Perez-Padilla
Elucidating Reason(s) Low Ses/Underrepresented Patients Who Qualify for Cancer Genetic Testing Decline Testing, Nadiyah Priasti and Amy Huang
Teaching as Accommodation: The Benefits of Teaching All Children Through a Trauma-Informed Lens, Megan Retzloff
Connection, Collaboration, and Care: Using Creative Choreographic Approaches to Promote Adolescent Agency Within Therapeutic Structures, Iris Livia Ridley
One Summer, I Saw You Every Day, Anthony Ringuette
Reflections of the Pioneers: An Oral History of the Early Years of Genetic Counseling, Talia K. Sanford and Danielle J. Clynes
Aging and Dance: Insights, Imagination, and Potential, Chloe A. Schafer
Tranimal, Maysam Seraji
Four Magically Interspersed Stories, Aviad Shely
Investigating Perceived Barriers and Challenges to Using Virtual Genetic Assistants Among Genetic Counselors, Yongsik Shin
Abolition as Therapy: The Role of Dance/Movement Therapy in the Abolition of Police, Johnny Stellard
Gone for a While, Akhir Stewart
Our Easy Lifetimes, Joseph Sullivan
Abroad: A Memoir of Obsession, Haley Swanson
Fear the Air You Breathe, Kayla Tenhouse